Official website for the Chuck Brannan Campaign for State Representative

Signed in as:
Hello, I am Chuck Brannan, State Representative for Florida House District 10. I am a Republican running for re-election and offer my broad work and life experience with mature judgment and a clear vision to continue to make North Florida a better place to live and work. As I have done these last three years as your representative, I pledge to use common sense, be accessible, and to listen. I will always fight to make sure we are heard in the State Capitol!
I offer my candidacy as a continuation of the public service that has meant so much in my life. I have spent nearly 30 years in law enforcement, a lifetime involved in agriculture, and have always had a footprint in education in both the K-12 and higher education fields. I am pro-life, pro-gun, and anti-tax. I will always protect our Second Amendment. I am responsible, accountable, and fiscally conservative. I know how to live within a budget. As a Governor's appointed board of trustee member at Florida Gateway College, we oversee an over $28 million dollar annual budget without ever having adverse audit findings. We make tough personnel, facility, and budget decisions each month without raising tuition and fees for our students in several years. We also have been able to give our employees a raise almost every year I have been on the board, something of which I am very proud.
I believe we shouldn't apologize for wanting to keep what we earn. I believe the government ought to apologize for wanting to keep what they take and oftentimes waste. I am pro-business and pro-American farmer and believe that the most important role government can play in growing our economy is keeping our state clean and our fiscal house in order while streamlining regulation and encouraging economic freedom. I believe our part of Florida is the best part of the state and I want to see it continue to flourish with good-paying jobs and quality education. I will always guard our natural resources. People and businesses want to come to Florida because of our beauty and resources. That's our biggest draw. As an elected official I will always be a representative of our people, our counties, our communities, our businesses, and our precious natural resources, springs, and water.
I've always tried to be someone who is a believer - a believer first and foremost in my God. A believer in people. A believer in the best in people. A believer in my own abilities and in those of others. Someone who uplifts people and their ideas. I'm not running to simply win office. I'm running to advance a hopeful, positive, uplifting conservative agenda. I want to be trusted, I want to be your friend. I'll be committed, I'll never be complacent, and I'll always be conservative. I will always tell you what I think and where I stand. I will listen to you when we disagree. Most importantly I will keep the doors of government open. If re-elected you're going to continue to see me - at city and county commission meetings, at school board meetings, festivals, parades, and churches. I want to be in your lives when you need me and stay the heck out of the way when you don't. You know the true value of our worth is the value of our service, especially our service to others. We can all make a pledge to make our communities a better place to live and work. That's why I'm running for office and again making this commitment. That's what being a State Representative means!
Chuck Brannan
Chuck has been part of this community his entire life, working tirelessly to make it a better place. He will continue to serve the people of District 10 and will always fight to make sure we are heard in the State Capitol.
Chuck knows the value of building relationships. That's why he's running for state representative. Chuck has spent a lifetime building relationships all across this state and he will continue to foster positive working relationships in order to advance the interests of his constituency.
Chuck can't win this race without your help! Volunteering, word-of-mouth, finding locations for campaign signs, and donating to the campaign are all ways of helping us achieve our goals together.
Your generous support will bring common sense coupled with mature judgment to the State House! Show your support for Chuck today!
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Copyright © 2018 Paid by Chuck Brannan, Republican for State Representative - All Rights Reserved.